Alumni Engagement Tools - Need for Every Educational Institution -

Today, only alumni management is not enough. Institutions have to find practical ideas to interact with alumni in a way it ensures alumni engagement. The alumni relations market is becoming alumni-centric with each passing day. 

With it, multiple software is available with alumni-centricity at their base. This software is nothing but alumni engagement tools. In the simplest words, alumni engagement tools are comprehensive solutions for institutes to manage, engage, and connect with their alumni.

Using these engagement tools, alumni associations can build long-lasting alumni relationships. In this piece, we have accumulated five alumni engagement tools every educational institution needs right now. Take a quick look!

1. Data Management Tool

Big data is a big problem for the majority of educational institutions. Imagine how draining it would be to maintain a journal of thousands of alumni to record their recent data! Perhaps, we can thank excel sheets for saving our lives. 

No doubt it is a free tool, but institutions have to invest in terms of their time. Irrespective of what out of excel sheets, spreadsheets, or Google sheets universities use nowadays, they need a data management tool for trouble-free alumni relations management. 

With little manual effort, alumni associations can thoughtfully use sheets to record, maintain, and manage alumni data. 

2. Email Marketing Tool

Email marketing software is one of the inevitable alumni engagement tools. In order to engage alumni bigger, better, and faster, all universities have to leverage email marketing tactics. And what could be best than investing in an email marketing tool for this? 

An email marketing tool gives you hundreds of ready and responsive templates to choose from for your next campaign. These templates drive attention, convey the message, and fulfill the core purpose of marketing. 

Institutions need tools like HubSpot email marketing, Sendinblue, or Mailchimp to win their email marketing game and engage alumni in college events and activities. 

3. Campaign Management Tool

Undoubtedly, to engage alumni, running multiple alumni engagement campaigns from time to time is a must. Institutions with a greater campaign management capacity have mightier chances of having long-lasting alumni relations. 

Campaign management means planning the upcoming campaign, gathering all the planning resources, designing it, launching it, and recording the results all at one destination. Tools like Asana, Hive, and Basecamp are not only excellent campaign management tools but also brilliant alumni engagement tools. 

A cherry on the cupcake – a few campaign management tools offer ready-made project templates to launch on occasions like teacher’s day or women’s day and institutions should not have any second thoughts before investing in them. 

4. Community Networking Tool

Being an institution, it’s your responsibility to provide a platform for your alumni to network. A community networking tool enables alumni to build their professional connections, refer fellow alumni members, mentor others, and much more. 

Moreover, such an interactive platform lets alumni communicate through posts, share opinions through polls, and expand connections by attending virtual events. Salesforce for Education is a top-notch community networking tool. 

Besides fellow networking opportunities, this tool facilitates communications & family engagement as well. Institutions should invest in community networking tools to show their alumni:

  • What are they capable of offering, 
  • How they value opportunities, and 
  • How much they stretch to keep their promise.

5. Performance Analysis Tool “Last but not least.” 

Every tool that institutions use to ensure alumni engagement should be tracked to know the outcomes. Therefore, a performance analysis tool becomes a dire alumni engagement tool requirement for universities. Using a performance analyzer, universities can track and record the responses received from campaigns. 

Such a tool also helps in tracking the overall alumni engagement performance. Using the insights from it, institutions can get an idea of improvements or changes to be made for effective alumni engagement. 

Tools like SEMrush, Moz Pro, Sprout Social, BuzzSumo, and Google Analytics are a few names of performance analyzing tools. These are the investment-worthy tools for any institution looking to assess alumni relations best practices performance. 

Surprise! What if you get all these tools as a combo?

Don’t worry. We aren’t kidding. With the current trends shifting towards building interactive alumni communities, Almashines has come up with an outstanding alumni portal. The Almashines Alumni Platform features streamlined & automated alumni database management, email & social media marketing, campaign sharing & management, networking & Couchsurfing, and alumni engagement metrics analysis. The all-in-one alumni portal is the best substitute for all these five alumni engagement tools at an affordable price. 


Alumni engagement tools cut short the time institutes need to invest in alumni engagement activities. Plus, these tools increase the efficiency and productivity of alumni associations working towards engaging alumni with the community. 

With rapid digitalization across all the industry verticals, the alumni relations industry should adopt technology-driven portals for a smooth operational flow ASAP. Who knows, by a little investment in alumni engagement tools institutes might get stellar results overnight! 

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